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  • Millie Dowman – Jack Petchey Winner November 2019

    Millie Dowman – Jack Petchey Winner November 2019

Article Date: 19 November 2019

Article Date: 19 November 2019

Freddie Dowman nominated Millie for a Jack Petchey award for showing resilience in difficult times.

"Millie was diagnosed with scoliosis in January 2018. She underwent a seven-hour operation to fuse her spine with two titanium rods and 17 screws. As a side effect from the operation, Millie now has postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), ME, hyper-mobility and possible EDS. She is now in a wheelchair and is trying very hard to be back in school (two hours a day).

Millie set up an Instagram account following her journey through all her battles posting inspirational quotes and messages to her 1500+ followers. She helps children and parents/carers with similar illnesses all around the world.

As Millie’s brother, it has been tough seeing my sister go through this. She shows great determination in all aspects of her education and life at home, missing the whole of Year 9. She has had to work twice as hard to achieve her goals.

Millie is trying to raise awareness of invisible illnesses and I am proud of what she is doing.

I think she is incredibly strong willed and determined and I am proud to call Millie my sister."

Freddie Dowman

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