- Bridge Academy Trust Policies
- Able and Talented Policy
- Admissions Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour and Expectations Policy
- Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Curriculum Policy
- Drugs and Alcohol Policy
- Lettings Fire Precautions & First Aid Provision
- Home School Agreement
- Mobile Phone Policy
- Prom Procedure
- Provider Access Policy
- Pupil Premium
- Relationship and Sex Education Policy
- School Closure - Remote Education Offer
- SEND Information Report
- Student Equality Statement
- Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy
- Transgender Student Inclusion Policy
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy
- Uniform Policy
Aims and objectives of our Relationship and Sex Education Policy (RSE Policy)
The aims of relationships and sex education (RSE) at our school are to:
- Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place
- Prepare students for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene
- Help students develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
- Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships
- Teach students the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies
To download a full copy of the policy click the link below