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  • Weekly Bulletin -3 May 2024

    Weekly Bulletin - 3 May 2024

3 May 2024

Online Safety


Ofcom have published the results of their latest annual study of children’s relationship with the media and online worlds. This is worth a read - one quotation from the report is 'many of the children are spending six, seven, eight hours a day on social media – often more. Unlike the content they used to watch on TV, often overseen by their parents, the videos children are watching on social media are largely unmediated by their parents or the platforms – what they see might be true, it might not. It might be good for them, it might not.'

Social Media Access

Several organisations provide guidance about the minimum age requirements that apply to apps such as TikTok, YouTube and WhatsApp, and information for parents/carers on how to apply privacy and safety settings, if your children are using social media, to help them stay safe online. These include:


The local authority has made us made aware of a WhatsApp group called ‘Add Everyone You Know’ or ‘Add every 1 u know’. Children have been invited to join and to add all their contacts with the aim of attracting over 1000 members. Group posts have included the use of inappropriate language and requests to upload nude photos. The organisations above can provide advice for parents and carers over social media use.

School Contacts

If you need to speak to a member of staff in school about an issue or concern but are unsure of who to contact, the first point of contact should always be your child's form tutor. They will advise as best as they are able and also pass on any important information to the relevant member of staff where any further contact is needed.